Friday, April 17, 2020

Nine Point Agenda: to make agriculture sector sustainable in India

Point Agenda:
To make agriculture sector sustainable in India
Dr Shivakumar Magada
Professor of Aquatic Biology and Associate Director of Extension
College of Fisheries, Mangalore, India 83906

“Future threat to the human kind is not diseases, not war;  It is shear crush of humanity and hunger”

India is a vast country with 3.28 million km2 with a population of 1.37 billion with an annual growth rate of 1.1%.  In spite of India producing 293 million tons (mt) of food grains every year, about 20 crores of people suffer from direct hunger and 30-35 crores from hidden hunger (FAO reports 2018). The farming population is reduced from 71% to 52% during the period 1960-2018. Robert Malthus argued that "Human population always grows exponentially and the human food supply in a linear mode". Of course, science and technology proved him wrong; but how long we can prove him wrong?
 Key facts about hunger in India (FAO)
  Largest India is home to the largest undernourished population in the world
  14.5% of our population is undernourished
  190.7 million people go hungry everyday
  21.0% of children under 5 are underweight
  38.4% of children under 5 years of age are stunted
  1 in 4 children malnourished
  3,000 children in India die every day from poor diet related illness
  24% of under-five deaths in India
  30% of neo-natal deaths in India

Due to fragmentation of agricultural land, small and marginal farmers with less than two hectares of land account for 86.2% of all farmers in India, but own just 47.3% of the crop area (10th agriculture census 2015-16). It is evident that agriculture is not economically viable in small and marginal farms. This may be attributed to the increase labor wages, cost of inputs, pests, diseases, natural calamities, poor markets, degrading soil quality, constant overheads irrespective of the size of the land and such other issues – of course know to all. Surprisingly, all of them are solvable. More than the science and technology, there are other non-technical issues that are bothering the agriculture sector. If the Indian agriculture policies are reoriented a little, we can change the pace and face of the Indian agriculture. Wisdom of science knowledge will go waste without the support of the right policies. Here are nine points that can transform the Indian agriculture significantly;
1. No fragmentation: A farmer should not be allowed to transfer the agricultural properties by dividing/sharing the land among the children or the relatives. The Joint General Power of Attorney (GPA) can be transferred to the children or to the any nominee. One of the beneficiaries or all of them can take up agriculture and share the profit or loss. Only in exigencies and about 10% of the land can be mortgaged or sold with the permission of the competent authorities. This reduces the rate of conversion of agricultural land for other purposes.

2.  No fallow: Agriculture lands should not be allowed to keep fallow for more than two cropping periods. The fallow lands must be acquired by the Government and hand it over to the unemployed youths to take up contracting farming on agreed Terms of References (ToR) laid down by the competent authority.

3.   Cancel all subsidies and incentives: India’s agriculture budget doubled over five years to Rs 57,600 crore in 2018-19 and it is used for giving incentives and subsidies. There are enough tractors in India with which the entire world can be tilled. This money can be utilised for supporting the farmers by giving matching grants or for buy back purposes. this front end support will bring competitiveness among the farmers to produce more.

4.  Scientific Minimum Support Price (SMSP): We need to defy the demand and supply formula of the economics. The real-time cost of cultivation (CoC) can be estimated which is valid for five years or reviewed periodically. By giving 15-20% of extra amount on CoC, all the produce can be purchased by the Government machinery and re-distribute for the same price. For now, the proposed SMSP for some of the produces are like Rs. 35/l of milk, Rs. 20-25/kg of paddy, Rs. 3000/t for sugarcane, Rs. 20/- for tender coconut and so on. In the instances, where and when the government is unable purchase the produces from the farmer, it should ensure that the middlemen or the authorized buyer pay the prescribed amount. The existing price commission can be renamed, as “Agriculture Price Regulatory Authority (APRA)” and they must judicially fix the maximum retail price in the market. However, for short seasoned crops, the APRA must publish the commodity price based on the production, CoC, inflation, other issues related to post harvest management.

5.  National Registry: We must develop a national registry of all farmers, which includes the data like agriculture implements, land area, crop sown, inputs applied, average yield, CoC etc. Project “RAITA-Rental Agriculture Implements, Tools and Accessories” – a mobile app can be developed where farmer can rent their machineries & tools on specified terms and earn additional income while utilizing them efficiently.

6. Region Specific Chemical Fertilisers: Though soil test is compulsory, the existing mechanism is unable to meet the demand on time. The developmental officers should be spending more time on educating people on scientific farming. As of now, there is blanket application of chemical fertilisers as given by the produces. Many soils may not require all the nutrients in given in the fertilizer. Instead we need to come out with customised and region specific fertilizers which reduces the CoC and reduces the nutrient stress on the environment.


Green Army: Register all agriculture labours in the Department of Agriculture and categorise them based on skill sets (one may have many skills). Provide them a decent place to sit with all the needs and necessaries. Fix the labor charges (Including about 10% handling charges which is for the exchequer) as per the requirement of the minimum standards of living in the region. The farmers who require the labours may book their requirement online or with green army office which works for 14 h a day. This enables them assured income and increased maydays of work. All of them have to be insured for their health. 

Insurance: When 744 farmers from eight districts of Karnataka were examined for their health at Manipal Hospitals, Manipal the results were shocking. About 51% of the farmers had pesticides in their blood, 34% were anaemic, 35% diabetic, 29% had blood Pressure issues and >70% of them had eyesight problem. So, all the farmers have to be insured for their health and the crop.

9. Online transaction: All payments should be made through online mode with apps developed by the Government only. This enhances the revenue to the exchequer by bringing transparency in financial transactions.
 Apart from the above said nine points, the cold chain in the lines of dairy sector or in collaboration with dairy for collection of the farmers produce, establishment of cost effective sales outlets, pre-process of the commodities at the community level, government branding and re-orient the objectives and purposes of the developmental departments will help us to achieve the above said goals at a reasonably shorter period.
Key words: Indian Agriculture, Nine points agenda, Hunger
Thomas Robert Malthus, 1798. An Essay on the Principle of Population. J. Johnson, London
Disclaimer: This article is only a personal opinion of the author who has 25 years of experience in fisheries, agriculture research and teaching. Government of India can consider these points if it feels they are deemed fit and technically, economically, politically viable. Author has the wested interest that is the progress of the country. The affiliating organization of the author has no obligation on the views expressed herein.

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